Thursday 5 March 2015

Dandelions Again

Given the one-woman campaign of genocide I wage on them in the garden I seem to have quite a soft spot for dandelions as a decorative motif. I saw this tutorial for "pomdelions" at Flamingo Toes, and decided I needed some in my life.
Plus I'd just bought a rinky-dinky gadget called a Multipom, which allows you to make multiple pom poms at the same time.

I repeat. Make multiple pom poms. At. The. Same. Time.

So, I knocked out a bunch of pom poms in less time than it takes to say "are you finished with that cereal box yet I want to cut it into circles?".
I left them a bit shaggy instead of tidying them up as per the multipom directions because I thought that was more dandelion-y, and pretty much followed the tutorial, except that I made my calyces from felt not crepe paper, and I hooked the florists wires through and secured with green tape rather than hot gluing them.
Here they are on my hall table. (Next to a less than awesome watercolour of Naomi)

Too much fun for words. Anything in this house that stands still for long enough will soon find itself decorated with pom poms...


  1. they look amazing Christine :)

  2. Watch out, girls and Mr A.......
    Well done, they look great!

  3. Oh like those Christine ,no no no do not start me off on something else. I like the pic of Naomi too.

  4. I really want to see step by step photos of the multipom in action!

    We are also battling the dandelions in the garden so I don't think these would go down very well!

  5. Multi-Pom?! That sounds amazing! I just made my first attempt at patterned pom poms this week,they are a lot of fun :-)

  6. ooooo they are so lovely. Nice pic too, you are clever.

  7. Fabulous! Although I kind of hate dandelions--especially the ones in my yard.

  8. Oh gosh...these dandelions are just too cute!!! What a lovely bouquet they make! You've got a gadget that makes multiple pom-poms at once??? How come I've never bumped into this wonderful gadget in all of my fun exploring at the craft store? I guess I now have another excuse to make the trip!!!...I love your pretty watercolor too! xo
