Monday 3 September 2012

Wish you were here?

I have received my postcard in the Summer Postcard bloghop organised by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.
My card comes from Heather at It's Geek To Me
Heather says
"Hello from rainy Salzburg! I'm afraid we didn't see any butterflies while we were in Mirabell Gardens.  We didn't see any singing von Trapps, either, but that's OK...I sang enough for all of them!"

Doesn't that look beautiful? Thank you Heather for a lovely postcard, and thank you Jo for organising another fun event
Oh, and while you are blog hopping, hop on over to The Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe for another awesome giveaway


  1. aww so beautiful..
    hugs for you x

  2. We enjoyed our visit to Salzburg and it was rainy too. :-)

  3. At first I thought Heather had sent two photos, but that butterfly is stitched! Amazing isn't it?

  4. That is a gorgeous postcard. What a beautiful place.
