Sunday 20 November 2011

Wreathed in smiles!

I'm smiling because I got the most wonderful surprise in the post last week. Barb sent me this gorgeous stained glass penguin that her husband had made. I believe I may have mentioned once or twice that I love penguins.
The label says that his name is Percy and that he will hang in my window and watch out for Killer Whales. I don't suppose he is likely to spot any, but he's probably quite glad about that.
Thank you Barb, I adore him!
I have sent out two stitched ornaments this week, and received a very beautiful one myself, but as these are exchanges I can't show any pictures yet. Watch this space.
I can show these though. You can blame Pinterest for inspiring my recent flurry of creativity.
I am loving my new bracelet, made from a vintage tape measure I bought from Rag Rescue.  I dangled a little key from the toggle for a steampunk/chatelaine sort of look. It is incredibly hard to use your left hand to take a picture of your right hand! My fingers really aren't freakishly short and stubby, its a perspective thing. Honest.
And here is a Christmas Wreath (Aha! Now you see the clever pun in the post title) made from three packs of cheap baubles from Asda  (and a handful of teeny silver ones from the local florists), a wire coat hanger, and a lot of hot glue.
Not convinced I should have included the two larger glittery silver ones one either side. I think my snowman maybe singing falsetto this year...


  1. And so now you have Happy Feet, right? Great crafty items and it was very nice of your friend to send the penguin. Happy Week!

  2. Love the penguin too!
    You are productively busy yourself. Lovely crafty ideas.

  3. Mr Penguin is wonderful, Martin is so talented with his glass.
    Loving the bracelet.
    the wreath is beautiful and shiny, lol Mr Snowman, poor guy.

  4. That penguin is fantastic. Great bracelet & wreath.

  5. I LOVE you bracelet and Mr.Penguin is beautiful. I adore stained glass.

  6. wow penguin is so sweet..i always love them so much and this one is a very cute one :)
    and bracelet and wreath is so beautiful too..
    keep well dear..hugs for you xx

  7. ohhh mr percy penguin is gorgeous ... :) love the tape bracelet too... and the wreath is lovely but am not sure about the white ones either ??? love mouse xxxxx

  8. You are so creative! I love your wreath, and your bracelet is wonderful. (I hope your snowman isn't in too much pain!) What a beautiful penguin - he must bring lots of smiles!

  9. Oh how cute is your penguin! I have an angel made by Martin and I absolutely love it.

    Your wreath is beautiful and I love that bracelet!

  10. I was so pleased you loved your Penguin Christine, Martin has a production line of penguins at the moment. I am sure Percy will be happy hanging out in Cornwall!
    Oh like the wreath,I have seen one I think I may try ,have to see how time goes . Look forward to seeing everyones ornaments. I forgot to take a picture of the one I sent so have to ask my partner for one , brain gone missing here.

  11. Oh, I just love that penguin from Barb--too cute!! And his name is perfect!

    Your bracelet and wreath are so charming--really fun and creative creations, Christine :)

  12. Lovely gift from Barb. You are very creative both looks great!!

  13. What a special gift you got from Barb!

    I lvoe the colours you used on your wreath!
