Tuesday 25 January 2011

A flurry of finishes

I must be on a roll this month! You might remember me asking for suggestions as to what to put on my Couer de Chat sampler in place of the charted "bienvenue", well lots of you suggested hearts, and Julie suggested a row of numbers. In the end, as you can see, I went for Julies's numbers idea, with a little heart at each end to fill the gap. I'm really please with how it has come out. Just have to wait for DH to make me a frame for it now.
Design - Coeur de Chat
Designer- Isabelle Vautier
Carrie's Creations - Old World Red on Raw linen

I've also been busy making these :-

A Bouquet of Zip Corsages

I had to stop because I ran out of pretty coloured zips. Time to hit up the chartity shops again!


  1. Couer de Chat is lovely and you have nice, zippy flowers. Pun obviously intended

  2. Purrrfect, i do love this design.

    Zippadedodah!! they are fab, cool idea.

  3. Love the finish on "chats"! So glad to see what you decided on. It is lovely. The roses are too cute! I've seen these around, but have no idea how to make them. Is there a place on the net to find the instructions?

  4. Oh! I love your heart finish with the cats.
    Your roses are ever so pretty

  5. Your Coeur de Chat is wonderful! I love your zipper flowers too.

  6. Your heart is beautiful and I love the flowers, very different

  7. What a lovely finish Christine. The row of numbers looks perfect.

    Very pretty zip flowers.

  8. That cat heart is just fantastic! I love the row of numbers with hearts you wouldn't know its a "re-design"

    Those zipper roses are way too cool! Christine, you are always so creative!

  9. I love the heart sampler, just right and those brilliant roses, well done

  10. I was going to ask you about your IsaV cats in my last comment and here it is. Just beautiful and the numbers look like they belong there.

    Those are zips??? Wow...how pretty.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  11. Love Isabelle Vautier's designs! Love the zip corsages too- but then I'm obsessed with corsages- from before they were fashionable!
