Monday 28 June 2010

A Gift, a challenge, a frog and a Queen

I got the most amazing gift in the post last week. Barb had posted about a book, Jane Austen's Sewing Box:-

Jane Austen's Sewing Box: Craft Projects and Stories from Jane Austen's NovelsI was curious about it, and asked what it was like, and the next thing I know Amazon had delivered me my very own copy as a gift from Barb.
It makes fascinating reading, with loads of history about Regency women and the sort of sewing they would have done, lots of sumptuous photos and some intriguing projects based on sewn items, such as huswifes and letter cases, mentioned in Austen's novels. Thank you so much Barb. I'm thrilled with it.

In other news, yesterday was reveal day for the monthly challenge at Stitch and Stash. This time we did this free design from Les Chroniques de Frimousse. I loosely translated the original French text and finished mine as a weighted bookend.
Look how lovely my Apothecary's Rose is in the background. It has gone mad this year with too many blossoms to count.
The album is here, though there aren't many finishes this month, I think everyone has been too busy enjoying the sunshine.
The sunshine has obviously been too much for one poor little frog in my garden though. Last night we were watching a movie (Die Hard 4 as it happens), and he appeared, hopping across the lounge floor, and hid under the tv before we could catch up with him! Must be a Bruce Willis fan! Anyway today we have a big bowl of water in the middle of the carpet in the hopes of tempting him out....
Finally, check out this picture of my "Queen elect". So grown up looking!


  1. What a charming Queen-to-Be. Good luck enticing the little frog to come out. We have little toads and so far, they have not come into the house.

  2. Naomi looks beautiful - you must be so proud of her.
    Gorgeous gift from Barb. Love your Challenge piece, especially the unusual finishing idea. Hope it's the only frog that bothers you. :0)

  3. Beautiful finish and fabulous gift from Barb!!!


  4. Awww Barbs been at it again! What a sweetie she is. And a superb looking book too. Love your sns finish! x

  5. Beautiful pictures of your daughter.

    Your challenge piece looks lovely and what a great finishing. Well done. Hope you won't if i will stitch the same version as yours.

    A very nice surprise from Barb!

  6. Darling daughter and a darling finish :)

  7. You are very welcome Christine, still need to see you in that bonnet,lol. Love that finish and I hope your daughter will enjoy being queen for the day,lovely pic of her.
    Hope you found the frog and its not still hopping round the lounge.

  8. Sosa that is soooo cool for the book to show up just like that.

    As usual Christine another beautiful finish.

  9. Barb is such a sweetheart and sent me one too. I love it! I also love your challenge piece. What a neat bookend.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  10. Naomi looks lovely.
    Lovely gift from Barb, she is so generous.
    Great idea for the challenge, still got to make mine up!
    Ewww frogs - hope he soon hops off
