Sunday 14 March 2010

Mothers Day, More Stash and a Sneak Preview

Happy Mother's Day! Hope all the Mums out there are being spoiled rotten. The girls got me these lovely flowers. The slighly odd looking one is a bath ballistic from Lush, it smells all delicious and citrussy and the paper label tied to it is impregnated with wildflower seeds so I can plant it in the garden, and use the stick to mark where I put them. How perfect is that? Got to love Lush (and the girls).
The halo slipped a bit last week and I shamelessly bought this new stash (I have precisely NO will power, its official), left to right: Blackbird Designs - Snow Garden, With thy Needle and Thread - Miss Lapin and Just Nan - Needle Tweets. Well, I can call the rabbit and bird ones my Easter Egg...

And finally a little preview of a new design I just finished stitching. This is one corner of the sampler, now I need to come up with some "smalls" to go with it


  1. Love the flowers - the Lush ones are great aren't they! I like your new stash too, especially the BBD. Your new sampler looks intriguing - nice colours.

  2. I think I am going to need a new sampler with little accessories. How long will it take to design the accessories?

  3. Happy Mother's Day, Christine. Lovely bunch of flowers you received.
    The sneak preview looks lovely, can't wait to see the whole piece.

  4. Gorgeous flowers Christine. So bright and cheerful.

    Nice new stash and I love the sneak peak of your new design. Looking forward to seeing it.

  5. Happy Mother's Day! We don't have it in North America for awhile yet. What a gorgeous boquet of flowers.

    Like the colours in that new design of yours!

  6. Oh, Happy Mother's Day to you Christine! Your girls are wonderful - so artistic and involved in creative endeavours. You are doing a great job with them, and you deserve allt he flowers and stash you can handle!

  7. Lovely flowers. I love Lush stuff. Nice new stash and those needle tweets from Just Nan. Ho hum..... New sampler... yumm. You got to tell us what it is.. pleasexxx

  8. Very pretty, and I love the Lush flower, I saw those in the shop last week.

  9. ohhhhhhhhhhh temptress.. that sneek peek of the new design looks very very pretty.

    Lovely flowers too.

  10. Oh! Loving the sneak peek! What a cute little basket and birds. Glad you were spoiled for Mothers day. The flowers are just beautiful.

    No will power...humm...
    It is a plague for most of us. I kept my stash diet for such a long time and now seem to be getting bad again. I just ordered scissors, fabric and threads. I also went to our market a couple of weeks ago and brought home lots of goodies. I had to buy fabric and thread for my printer's drawer and also slipped a few other things in my shopping bag. So this is not so bad with your couple of Have lots of fun stitching them as that is what counts!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  11. Brilliant gift from the girls, a gift to last all year with the planting of the seeds - cool idea.

    Nice new stash, pretty sneak preview too, nice spring colours in it.

  12. Beautiful flowers - enjoy the Lush bath. :0)
    Great stash haul & the sneak peek is very intriguing.... can't wait to see more. :0)
