Sunday 7 June 2009

The strangest things grow in my garden!

Take this basket for example, what I planted was a beautiful dianthus and look what is growing instead:-
Cattus maleficus-quietus

Eagle-eyed readers will spot the remnants of my poor dianthus sticking out of the side!

Meanwhile, down the side of the shed is another thing I know I never planted.
I think its an early purple orchid, its definitely some kind of wild orchid anyway.

Go on, call it a weed, I dare you!


  1. I would never call anything that pretty a weed...says me with a garden full of daisies in the lawn, and not at all bothered cus they are pretty!
    Never seen a pussy willow quite like yours. Is it a compact dwarf species? Mine is much taller and er...not quite so ginger or fluffy ;)

  2. the cat does look comfortable lol, nice plant I like the colour

  3. I like the ginger colored fuzzball in the plant basket. We have similar ones but one is black and the other is white and orange. I would say to let the volunteer flower have a place in your garden.

  4. That's pretty flower though and looks like the cat's comfy in the basket.

  5. Well that's the first time I've seen a furry ginger flower - it's growing rather well so the habitat obviously suits it. LOL
    A wild set orchid too..... methinks the fairies have been planting in your garden. ;0)

  6. I wish i could grow 'Cattus' like that, furry cuddles to the little rascal LOL

    Loving the orchidy weed too

  7. The purple flower is lovely! As for your Cattus maleficus-quietus - he has stolen my heart! I have a weakness for that species.

  8. ahhh bless you kittie looks so comfy in that basket, don't they get in the strangest of places!That flower is too pretty to be a weed

  9. She looks so cozy there. What a cute photo!

  10. What a gorgeous

  11. What a lovely photo, cats have strange habits. We had one that loved a particular planter. DH even put sharpened stakes in to try and disuade him, but no he still slept there, it can't have been comfortable. Yours looks well rooted. I love orchids, and what a gem to have one in your garden.

  12. Cats wouldn't be the same if they didn't do silly things like that!
