Sunday 2 March 2008

I missed my Blogiversay!

OK, I'm pretty sure thats not how you spell it, but my blog was 1yr old last Sunday and I completely missed it!

Happy Birthday Bloggy!

And Happy Mothers day too!

Also last weekend was reveal time for the monthly challenge at Jayne's Attic. The chart this month was Valentine Heart from Dragonfly Stitches. I stitched mine on 28ct pearlescent white fabric using House of Embroidery shade Fuchsia, and finished it as a "lolipop". Looking forward to finding out what the March challenge will be.


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Hope you have had a great great.

    I Love how you finish the feb. challenge. Well done.

    Belated happy blogiversary!!

  2. Happy Blogoversary and Happy Mothers Day

    love your lollipop finish, very clever

  3. Happy Belated Bogoversary! Love the way you've finished your SAL challenge.

  4. great challenge finish I love the flowers with it, hope you had a nice mothers day

  5. Belated Happy Mothers Day and Blogoversary! Nice flower basket!
    Love your Lollipop finish Christine, so unusual. :0)

  6. Happy Blogoversary Christine. I missed mine too it was back in November but the year has gone so quickly.

  7. That's a lovely finish!! :D And happy (belated) blogiversary!
