Thursday 29 March 2007

Lace update

As promised, here is a picture of my first attempts at lacemaking.
Lesson 1 was the square piece to the right hand side of the picture, and Lesson 2 is the unfinished circular piece.
I don't know which is more addictive, making the lace, or shopping for bobbins!
I particularly like the little froggy one, too cute!


  1. OMG !!!! Christine you are very talented, looks like you've got this hobby well and truly learnt

    it's so pretty, well done

  2. Have to agree about the little froggy bobbin he is lovely - I want him lol.

    You are making excellent progress but dont forget about your cross stitch designs or we will all be getting down in the dumps.

  3. what a wonderful start to lace making! Well done!. I wish I could do it, if only to collect the bobbins, aren't they lovely lol

  4. Don't panic Helen, I've got a new one nearly ready ;)

  5. It is looking lovely and for a new starter you are doing well.

    I have been doing lace for 10 years now and it is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

    Well done on your new craft
